Coach McKinstry arrives in Rwanda and immediately sets out his plans and hopes for the Amavubi.
Coach McKinstry speaks on his experience and motivation to come to Rwanda, along with the steps that he feels he and the football association can take to build the Amavubi and other national teams in the months and years ahead.
Speaking alongside Ferwafa boss Degaule Nzamwitaat at his unveiling news conference at the Ferwafa headquarters in Remera, Coach McKinstry set out how he hoped that developing an attacking style of football would not only improve the long term prospects of the team, but also entertain and delight their loyal fans.
Newly appointed Amavubi head coach Johnny McKinstry has promised to turn the national side into an 'attacking' side that dominates possession for most parts of the game.
Source: The New Times, Rwanda
Speaking at his unveiling news conference, yesterday, at the Ferwafa headquarters in Remera, McKinstry said, "Football is an entertainment sport. People who go to watch football are no different from people who go to the cinema to watch a movie or to the theater to watch a play, it is about enjoyment."
"I grew up watching great attacking football and goals being scored. For me I want to play football that the players enjoy to play but also make the supporters get up on their feet because they are excited. That's where we want to take the team," he said.
The 29-year-old Irishman is quick to admit that this will not be a walk in the park. He continues to explain that,
"Now that is not easy. Some people will come here and say that we want to play direct football and we want to grind out 1-0s and sometimes that is needed. Sometimes you need to play a certain way to get the result you need but in the long run, we want to create an attacking style of football where the Amavubi are the team with the possession of the ball for most of the game. Does that happen overnight? No it does not."